Guangxi Province Pictures.. including gotcha day!
Travel partners leaving Dane county Airport September 16, 2016 for China! Justin was an awesome travel partner and was complimented on how mature and helpful he was for a 12 year old. Thanks for carrying all our stuff bud! A trip of a lifetime.
Changing planes in Beijing onto Guangzhou.....almost there.....
First night we stayed overnight in GZ right across from the airport at the Pullmen Hotel before catching the next flight to Nanning. Had to get a picture of the spectacular chairs.

Then a day later we caught our first glimpse of a precious little boy we flew half way around the world to find. He cautiously warmed up to us. Justin was his first liking and then slowly came to me. Being our fourth adoption I was okay with this, because its about the child , not me. I know in time his heart would warm to me.

After a hour or so of playing and some care and medical questions answered by the caretakers we were back in a cab to our hotel. And just like that I became his mother.

We would spend the next few days getting to know each other better and figuring out how to do life. We learned he loves to snuggle and have his back rubbed. He is ticklish from head to toe and loves to be tickled and will put your hand back on his body where he wants to be tickled. He is rough, loves to climb, ride on shoulders and swing around. He doesn't use many words, only two, but can let you know what he wants very clearly with his affirmative head nods.

Oh and kisses....he gives kisses...but warning they are very, very wet!

Brother bonding in the hotel lobby while awaiting an appointment.
This is the ceremony room for the formal portion of the adoption that occurs the day after you pick up your child. You have a 24 hour "harmonious period" to be sure you okay with the child and the adoption. (I will not even go into that topic at this point.)
Justin loves this part and always has his picture taken "officiating" the ceremony in each province we have been at. Maybe he will be in politics?

The start of the swing towards bonding with mommy---awe so sweet. Here we were at the notary's office. It's just one building where everyone goes to get things notarized. It's like the DMV line on steroids, but for some reason adoptive families skip the line and go to a special room.
Going for the phone to call the front desk......over and over again...we finally unplugged the phone.

Only God can weave such a story ... these same foster parents had been asked to be Jacob's foster parents, but were too heart broken since Joseph's adoption that they have no longer taken on anymore children. They have had 14 over their lifetime. What a blessing this family has been to so many children. But they do know Jacob's family well and we will all be connected from here on out. Jacob apparently knows Nana too!
The countryside going into Guilin abroad the train.
Poverty dwellings lined the city limits.
The mountains in this region have such a distinguishable characteristic of the rounded peaks.

I struggle with whether to post this picture as it is very personal. It's a simple lamppost under a certain address, marking where our seventh child was laid to be found when he was three days old. But I do so in that we are humbled, burdened and feel the weight of what an orphan is. They are placed somewhere by someone, most likely a parent in extreme distress, hoping for a glimpse of HOPE for their newborn. I walked away from here speechless, in agony for another mother, with silent tears running down my face, with answers I will never know this side of heaven. Why do I get to be his mother....WHY NOT HER???? He is beyond precious....I LOVE HIM dearly....... but so does she.

We live in a fallen world, with sin, pain and suffering. For now I just hold onto the truth God has asked me to serve Him and serve Him well. This little boy needs a family and we are called to be that family. What a blessing he will be.
oh so special...
I Think Nanning might be renamed Scooterville.......
Extra points if you can figure out where this sign was located....
I am not sure if something was lost in translation, but visit the Nanning airport bathroom for this helpful sign :)
On our way to GZ and hanging out with my new friends.... loved riding on Justin's shoulders!
Wen Xiang tried to sweet talk this lady for her hat! If it had not been her work attire at the Marriott hotel, I think she would have given it away to him :)
Changing planes in Beijing onto Guangzhou.....almost there.....
First night we stayed overnight in GZ right across from the airport at the Pullmen Hotel before catching the next flight to Nanning. Had to get a picture of the spectacular chairs.
Then a day later we caught our first glimpse of a precious little boy we flew half way around the world to find. He cautiously warmed up to us. Justin was his first liking and then slowly came to me. Being our fourth adoption I was okay with this, because its about the child , not me. I know in time his heart would warm to me.
After a hour or so of playing and some care and medical questions answered by the caretakers we were back in a cab to our hotel. And just like that I became his mother.
We would spend the next few days getting to know each other better and figuring out how to do life. We learned he loves to snuggle and have his back rubbed. He is ticklish from head to toe and loves to be tickled and will put your hand back on his body where he wants to be tickled. He is rough, loves to climb, ride on shoulders and swing around. He doesn't use many words, only two, but can let you know what he wants very clearly with his affirmative head nods.
Oh and kisses....he gives kisses...but warning they are very, very wet!
Brother bonding in the hotel lobby while awaiting an appointment.
This is the ceremony room for the formal portion of the adoption that occurs the day after you pick up your child. You have a 24 hour "harmonious period" to be sure you okay with the child and the adoption. (I will not even go into that topic at this point.)
Justin loves this part and always has his picture taken "officiating" the ceremony in each province we have been at. Maybe he will be in politics?
The start of the swing towards bonding with mommy---awe so sweet. Here we were at the notary's office. It's just one building where everyone goes to get things notarized. It's like the DMV line on steroids, but for some reason adoptive families skip the line and go to a special room.
Going for the phone to call the front desk......over and over again...we finally unplugged the phone.
From day one of our arrival I conveyed with our guide, Glenn, the importance of finding Joseph's foster parents. We adopted Joseph in March of 2015 and he has always talked of them and we had wished to remain in contact with them. The traditional routes we had taken to find them had fell on deaf ears and finally we had hope. Glenn made the connections to that secured a meeting with them. It was the most unbelievable thing, we were going to meet the people responsible for raising Joseph for 2 years. This was the next best thing to meeting his birth parents. They had insight to who our child is and was before he was ours. God give us a gift of a miracle with the connection. On Wednesday we boarded a 2.5 hour train for Guilin. The countryside was beautiful and the anticipation and opportunity to be in the city where two of my children were born was amazing.
These are Joseph's foster parents. We recognized them right away at the restaurant and hugged. I cried as this woman cared so deeply and so well for my child. How do you thank her? They were so gracious and loving. Bringing gifts for Joseph to keep him warm in Wisconsin. They miss him so dearly and asked when will we return again for a visit?
Only God can weave such a story ... these same foster parents had been asked to be Jacob's foster parents, but were too heart broken since Joseph's adoption that they have no longer taken on anymore children. They have had 14 over their lifetime. What a blessing this family has been to so many children. But they do know Jacob's family well and we will all be connected from here on out. Jacob apparently knows Nana too!
The countryside going into Guilin abroad the train.
Poverty dwellings lined the city limits.
The mountains in this region have such a distinguishable characteristic of the rounded peaks.
I struggle with whether to post this picture as it is very personal. It's a simple lamppost under a certain address, marking where our seventh child was laid to be found when he was three days old. But I do so in that we are humbled, burdened and feel the weight of what an orphan is. They are placed somewhere by someone, most likely a parent in extreme distress, hoping for a glimpse of HOPE for their newborn. I walked away from here speechless, in agony for another mother, with silent tears running down my face, with answers I will never know this side of heaven. Why do I get to be his mother....WHY NOT HER???? He is beyond precious....I LOVE HIM dearly....... but so does she.
We live in a fallen world, with sin, pain and suffering. For now I just hold onto the truth God has asked me to serve Him and serve Him well. This little boy needs a family and we are called to be that family. What a blessing he will be.
Ephesians 1:3-14
Praise for Spiritual Blessings in Christ
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he[b] predestined us for adoption to sonship[c] through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace 8 that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, 9 he[d] made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
11 In him we were also chosen,[e] having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.
oh so special...
I Think Nanning might be renamed Scooterville.......
Extra points if you can figure out where this sign was located....
I am not sure if something was lost in translation, but visit the Nanning airport bathroom for this helpful sign :)
In China there will always be something to talk about, or make you scratch your head and say what?
This is a major river with paddle large dinner boats, tourist boats going up and down. Look closely and you will see and a man swimming right down the middle of the river! And he was not the only one. At first I thought he was drowning, nope, just out for a swim in the middle of a large river, with the large touring boats, swimming up stream! Yikes.
This little boy loved the hat...too bad we lost it in Walmart/hotel somewhere. We replaced it with another one, but it just it not to same :( I tried to inform the hotel in case it was found. Obviously I did not explain myself well because they asked me where did I lose the hat. What? I always forget I can't speak Mandarin. So frustrating!On our way to GZ and hanging out with my new friends.... loved riding on Justin's shoulders!
Wen Xiang tried to sweet talk this lady for her hat! If it had not been her work attire at the Marriott hotel, I think she would have given it away to him :)
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