Pictures are from DAY 6 and 7. Falling a bit behind blogging :( Sleep deprivation is catching up.
A Girl has to have her purse to go out for a walk right? This was her idea and she actually had two of them, but the second one was in the cart since it was too heavy. She continues to high five the nurses through the hallways bringing a bit of sunshine to the ICU. |
Yesterday she received the largest balloon from Pastor Tom and Darla with "Frozen's" Ana and Elsa on it and of course it had to come with us for walks! It's as big as her! But when your this cute you can get away with just about anything in the hospital. |
Pet pals came to visit last night. What a blessing... she climbed right up and wanted to lay down with Millie. Grandma and Grandpa have Golden retreivers, so loved snuggling Millie. Still doesn't like dog kisses though. Me neither! |
Huahua examined her nails. |
On the way back from pet pals we stopped at the toy room and picked up a tricycle. She rode it back part way till she got tired. Then evening phone calls to her brothers for a daily update. Huahua really wants to go home. We BOTH DO! She asks alot. Getting closer each day. |
We are so blessed to have this precious this girl! Praise God for her incredible healing and spunky spirit. Pray for her to have clear Echo today. Previous one had some blood pooling behind heart. Pray for her oxygen stats to keep up on her own. They are allowing her to continue without supplement. Pray for her body to work properly with the new Fondan circulation. Pray for a clear lung X ray. Pray for us to go home soon!
Thank you for all your words of encouragement, visits, meals, house cleanings, help with the children and prayers! Huahua is a blessing to us all and were so thankful we have such a community of support and love. She is so loved :) |
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