Four Children in Three years! Cause to celebrate or ....
New siblings March 2015 The first picture of your child is magical. The ultrasound picture seems to "look like you!". In adoption you gaze at the photo until you can could swear they are talking back. You fall in love, and dream of the day you'll meet and hold them in your arms. Then the mounds of paperwork build and overload you for months, as you walk closer to bringing your child home. The day comes and your eyes meet, or maybe not because they are too scared. But you see them, in person, and touch them and it all becomes real. The good, the bad and the ugly. This child is real. Yours forever! The smart, the hurt, and pain. THE POTENTIAL. All at your fingertips to be unpeeled like an onion still lying deep in the garden soil. You scoop them up and head for home to start a new life, but the old is never forgotten. It is part of their soul. The formation of their brain, their character...