Birthday girl
Someone is turning six years old this week. As birthdays are usually a time of joy and celebration for most, they can be a time of mixed feelings for those who are adopted. We enter this week knowing we truly don't even know the day she came into this world and that the day was met with the most uncertain circumstances. We can only speculate what happened for the next month, but we know her mother gave her life and then made a selfless, life changing decision in HOPE of her receiving medical care. A decision that would eventually lead this sweet girl to us. Huahua would endure the next 2.5 years of hardships in an orphanage. Things we will never know and memories she will never forget. Things that would form her into a resilient, yet so dependent, scared little soul. My heart cries or her because I was not there from the beginning. A mother's instinct is to protect her from the pain, the suffering, the losses, but then her story woul...