
Showing posts from May, 2016

A Mother's Day Reflection

Jackson taking his little sister for a spin around the yard.  When the bikes are out....she's dressed and ready....just in case! James is now onto a walking cast.  Six weeks in this and then onto a PFO.  He's been learning to walk again and strengthen his leg.  His foot and ankle have never been in this position before.   We had a little resistance at the beginning, but he is starting to enjoy the freedom that comes with walking. We celebrated Mother's Day at the park on Saturday with pizza and breakfast in bed.  A treat for ME!                                    That Joseph's Bad Boy face!  He's feeling more comfortable within the family dynamics which means----I test the boundaries--ALOT!!!  Part of being 4 and a BOY!  And of course his hearts feels 1000x test away buddy!  Thankfully he's not our first rodeo! Justin and Jackson laying...