
Showing posts from March, 2016

Long over due update!

 If you enter our house on any given day, you might find this!  These two attached at the hip laughing and playing, dressed in each others clothes (poor Joseph!) But he never complains, and just goes with the flow.  He has found his voice and sometimes puts in his preference and then wears whatever!  They adore one another.  I was informed the other day they got married, and he was wearing the princess dress and she had his clothes on!  And now he said they were just kidding :)  He has really transformed over the last year.  He  has always been accepting of our love but as I have watched him grow to a point where he enjoys freely giving it too.  He says good morning and is the first to say I Love you!  Little things that we might take for granted, but little seeds that show he is feeling secure in his comfort and place in our family.                             ...