Unexpectedly, 68 days later, and very welcomed we have received our Letters of acceptance for both boys!!!!! This paper is usually noted in the computer system by the C government that it's on it's way. But this time it just showed up on the door step of our agency in AL! And today (Tuesday) it arrived on our front door for our signature. It's half in Chinese and we just smile because they will be in our arms so soon! Check the box "We accept the adoptee mentioned above" and sign your name and date! Now it is signed and overnighted back to the agency! Most likely we will travel in March at this point if things go according to the normal time frame. Please pray for continued paperwork as it moves now to the US immigration and then to the National Visa Center. Then unto the US embassy in C. An article 5 letter is then issued and sent onto the CCCWA where travel approval is given to our family! Then we book our plane tickets and l...