Living in Faith....not Fear

Having a child with a single ventricle anatomy can sometimes be stressful, if you allow your imagination to float to the unknown. As a mother, we want to know our children are healthy and protected. After Huahua's surgery, she healed, we moved on and life went back to normal. But her heart will really never be fixed. The surgery was palliative. So we learn to lean not on doubt and fear, but in our eternal joy that comes from knowing Christ. This fontan surgery made her heart/anatomy function better, so she is no longer blue all the time. She feels better, but the reality is still her heart will eventually stop working. We have had to face this over and again as unknowing people ask what her future holds, but this is where we can no longer live in fear. It would be easy to slip into the valley of fear knowing your child may die before she learns to drive, before she has a chance to go to college or get married. But we will not live i...