Planning for Surgery

Huahua has big plans to be a Doctor! She's involved in her first cardio internship here (unpaid!) Yesterday Huahua saw her cardiologist and we discussed the next steps in planning her Fondan procedure. This procedure is usually done when a child is between 3-5 years old. Many pieces go together to decide when is the "right" time to move forward with this next step, primarily her heart functioning and daily behavior. Of concern has been her elevated red blood cell count which makes them believe she is not functioning as good as she looks. Her body is for some reason believes it is starving for oxygen and the cells are responding in this way. There are inherent risks allowing her to continue with elevated levels as she is. So the next step is a cardiac catheterization to access her true functioning of the heart and map out her uniquely formed heart. It is really amazing to hear how her heart is formed (with single ventricle and one common a...