The Power of Words

Words have an incredible ability to lift, crush, support, hurt, love or heal the heart. Today, as we went to church, love was delivered in an unusual healing manner. And in the midst of picking up my children from their class, a sweet Chinese woman began admiring my adopted children after recognizing their shared heritage..... tears began to seep down her face. She hugged me and thanked me dearly for loving them. I could feel her soul was so touched by our children as she gazed deeply at them playing. Adoption, begins with brokenness and pain ........becomes redeemed because of a great love. Not our love.....Christ's LOVE. We are weak and humbled as we raise children. My only response was that this is what God calls us to and we simply love them. Her gracious heart and deep gratitude for adoption warmed my soul for adoption should be a natural part of our family as God adopted us into His....